The New View of Self
by Larry J. Siever, M.D.
... The same chemical mechanisms that cause disease also show
normal variations that may explain a great deal about the range
of human personalities.
... The range of temperaments has long been recognized; what is new
is that we are beginning to understand the underlying brain mechanisms
that give rise to them. We are beginning to know --
in a specific and detailed way -- that personality styles as well
as mental disorders have physical and chemical origins. All are
rooted in the biology of the brain.
.... "The scientific revolution in psychiatry is described in crystalline clarity by one of its most important players. An enormous amount of information and fresh insights are packed in a remarkably readable and vivid account,
which is made all the more compelling by the scores of facinating patients that the reader meets."
--- Frederick K. Goodwin, M.D.
Director, Center on Neuroscience, Behavior, and Society
The George Washington University Medical Center
Schedule of July 97 Book Signings by Dr. Larry Siever